Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Invocation

The Augsburg Confession states that Lutherans have retained the Mass and the usual ceremonies, insofar as doing so does not compromise the Gospel. Here, then, we begin a step-by-step review of the Mass according to the Lutheran rite. Please note that the ad Orientem position is presupposed in all cases.

The historic rite begins the Mass with this rubric: "The priest, standing at the foot of the alter-steps, and signing himself with the sign of the holy Cross, begins...: In nomine Patris...."

A contemporary usage that has the celebrant facing the congregation and signing them (in the form of a blessing) is contrary to the historic understanding that the priest (and people) are hereby invoking the blessing of the Holy Trinity upon themselves and their participation in the Mass.

(I am curious as to the source and interpretation of this innovation in the Liturgy.)


Brian P Westgate said...

Deacon I'm probably skipping ahead, but since you mentioned ad orientem. . . .
I wonder why/when at Redeemer the pastor began to go to the back side of the Altar for the Consecration. This is what is currently praised by the worship prof at the Thiensville Seminary, which might be one reason I don't like it.
Meanwhile, the ride has begun, so I'm going to sit back and enjoy it.

Dcn. Muehlenbruch said...

It would be better to ask Pr. Petersen about the why and when.

I would be happy to share more of my thoughts on this matter with you; but I would prefer to do outside of this forum.

Brian P Westgate said...

Yep, just thinking aloud.